4 dic 2010

Fumetti reviews

From an US adult magazine: Italian fumetti mistaken for Colombian!

(What's with Quasimodo's face? Blurred out...?)
Here's the original cover:

Furthermore, Picardia has jokes and cartoons from Risatissime magazine.
(below: issue #1 cover, and a classic cartoon by L .Frollo).

'Be reasonable, young lady, where on earth could I get 10,000 lire?'

All in all, the review does a good job, spreading the fumetti word across American lands. Yesss!

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

The Colombian fumetti pictured in the magazine was indeed published in Colombia. The art and story originated in Italy but they were later translated to Spanish, printed in Colombia and distributed throughout Latin America and American cities within Spanish speaking regions.