8 nov 2007

Dagwood, Wages and PCs

I was reading the news the other day, there's a debate goin' on about the low wages being a social and economic issue in current days.
The paper (Corsera) displayed a Blondie comic strip, this one:

I remember I enjoyed Blondie strips as a kid (discovered them on a comic mag called "Il Mago"). But this one seemed kinda different, so I went through my collection to pick one or two showing Dagwood's work place (both are from '69-'70):

Mr. Dithers' dirty trick: "...and they say business men don't have no s.o.h.!"

Well, nothing has changed, excpet for the Pc and keyboard upon Dag's desk, (or is that a Mac ?) and the phone... (missing?)


Nils Liedholm 1922 - 2007

I'd like to take a moment to remember a man I admired.
He was in a class of his own and gave so much to A.C.Milan as a player and, later in his life, a coach.
So long, Barone.

(Gianni Rivera, [l.] with Liedholm, [r.] in the 60's.)
photo Omega

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